Set of assets to create a setting of caverns inside a mountain. We also add lava with the option of animation, plants, and a large number of photoscanned rocks with 100% editable materials.
The pack is optimized for Bake but you can also set the mesh resolution to 100% to obtain a high poly that can be used with Nanite of UE5 and lumen.
More Decals:
More Photogrammetry assets:
More Textures:
Number of Unique Meshes: 107
Collision: automatically generated
Vertex Count: 72 to 8.875
LODs: Auto LODs
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 12 Masters - 71 Material instances
Number of Textures: 258
Texture Resolutions:
Supported Development Platforms: PC and VR
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Documentation: No