Are you tired of CTRL clicking multiple actors in your scene? Well, this is the tool for you! You can quickly select a mass amount of actors with a click of a button, saving you an immense amount of time during development. As well as much much more!
*** Unreal Engine Sponsored Content for September 2021! ***
Level Design Tool Kit has a lot of great features that can speed up your level design workflow! Say goodbye to CTRL clicking on multiple actors that you want to move or group up. With LDTK you can simply put a box or sphere around a zone and with a click of a button select everything within that zone! You can also hide or unhide them static meshes or actors. You also have the ability to select static meshes or actors by a tag or name. As well as using construction blueprints to place meshes along a spline path or attach multiple actors to a dummy actor. Plus much more!
Note: The EUW requires you to enable the "Editor Scripting Utilities" plugin. The GIF below shows you how to do this if you haven't already.
How to open the LDTK widget:
This product comes with 33 blueprint classes, 5 editor utility widget, 1 data table, 1 struct, 2 enum, 26 materials and 52 material instances along with a demo level.
+ much more
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: A lot of the documentation on how the EUW works is implemented in the widget itself. You will find this on the right side of the widget in the settings.