BP plugin to handle Json and Xml manipulation and (de)serialization
This plugin exposes nodes to handle Json & Xml loading, parsing and stringifying !
Can be used in any blueprint
Documentation can be found here : https://github.com/RLoris/JsonXmlHelperDoc
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See you on the other side
> If you wish to make more advanced http request like POST, PUT, DELETE, checkout my other plugin available here on the marketplace
You can ask question before buying, check the documentation as it may contain the answer you are looking for !
Keep in mind that I don't do your work for you, I only provide the right tools to help your development process !
If you find a bug, please contact me by filling this form, I will fix it
If you want a new feature, ask a question with the feature description, I will implement it eventually
For any other reason, you can contact me by clicking on my markeplace name (RLoris) and finding my support email
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints nodes: 70+
Number of C++ Classes: 5
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: All