A Light Weight and Flexible plugin that Allows you to add logic to your foliage by swapping foliage instances with BP counterparts based on distance.
This Plugin contains a subsystem where it can detect and hide instances of foliage and replace them with user defined BP Counterparts seamlessly to allow efficient and seamless interaction.
There is support for taking ownership of the foliage or reseting back to its initial state once player gets far away.
This plugin was made with ease of use and simplicity in the mind.
Some Example behaviours are:
Note: Environment in screenshots is not included .
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints:0
Number of C++ Classes:5
Network Replicated:No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows,Mac,Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms:Windows, Mac, Linux, IOS, Android
Documentation: Link
Example Project: Link
Discord : Discord