Webinar: Animation in Unreal Engine—Adding Life to Your Story

Our recent webinar Animation in Unreal Engine—adding life to your story explored animation effects in Unreal Engine. If you missed it—or if you want to see it again—you can watch the replay below. 

In this webinar, Matthew Doyle, Technical Artist at Epic Games, dives into how to use animation tools in Unreal Engine to tell a story and add life to your projects. He’s joined by Daniele Federico, CEO and Co-Founder of Toolchefs.com, who demonstrates how to use the Atoms Crowd framework to populate city streets with animated crowds that wander around, stop, and avoid each other in a random, realistic way. 

You’ll learn how to: 
  • Add animation effects to people, vehicles, and materials
  • Populate a city using a standalone crowd framework designed to handle large amounts of animation data
  • Use dynamics and physics to create different effects

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