We’re pleased to announce that we’ve updated the Game Animation Sample Project for the release of Unreal Engine 5.5.
First released in UE 5.4, the Game Animation Sample Project (or as the community has coined it, GASP) aims to deliver free animations and best-practice character animation setups for Unreal Engine; boost education and knowledge of game animation in UE; and act as a starting point for anyone’s creative game project.
For UE 5.5, the team has focused its efforts on finishing out the core locomotion setup as well as adding two new locomotion states: crouch and sprint.
We’ve also added a new Experimental setup which combines State Machines, Choosers, Motion Matching, and Blend Stack in an effort to achieve a high level of artist-driven control with less than half the animations and nearly no change in quality.
GASP’s setups are now 100% networked and ready for multiplayer use, one of the most-requested improvements we’ve been asked for.
We’ve expanded traversal to include ledge catches. Now, if you jump towards a ledge and press or hold the jump button, you can catch the ledge and climb up or vault over it seamlessly from the jump state.
We’ve added the Experimental Foot Placement node to the sample. This provides an out-of-the-box foot planting and uneven terrain modifier for your locomotion setups. This is just the beginning and something we plan to improve upon in future updates.
GASP can now be taken on the go, running fully on mobile. We’ve even added a full HUD/button setup for mobile that enables you to move, change state, and even change characters on the mobile platform.
We’ve replaced the original camera setup with the new Gameplay Camera System, shipping as Experimental in UE 5.5. This new system aims to provide a greater sense of control and customization for gameplay camera setups.
These are just a select few key features that have been added to GASP for 5.5; you can see the patch notes for more in-depth details on changes to the project.
We hope you enjoy the project and its updates!
Explore the updated Game Animation Sample Project
We’ve updated the Game Animation Sample Project with a host of new features and improvements. Dive in and check them out today.