In 2020, our inaugural Short Film Challenge had more than 1,800 registrants. This year, we’re making the challenge even better by expanding our training program and opening applications to creatives via participating screen agencies in Australia and New Zealand.
Brought to you in conjuction with:
Image courtesy of LateNite Films
Applicants will:
Receive free online Unreal Engine 5 animation training, courtesy of Epic Games. Anyone can do the training, whether they’re taking part in the challenge or not.
Create a pitch for an animated short film. The best candidates will be shortlisted and the strongest projects from participating screen agencies will be presented to our industry partners for final selection.
Winning candidates will have their film funded, and will have eight weeks to produce their 90-second to five-minute animated short in Unreal Engine 5.
Finalists will have an exclusive opportunity to showcase their work to content development executives from major studios!
Why should I take part?
Access learning resources and training for real-time animation for free.
You keep all rights to your short film. We’d just like to promote it on our website!
Finalists receive $50,000 AUD/NZD to produce their film, and teams will get the chance to have their work watched by some of the best creative studios and content acquisition executives from around the world.
Cassini Logs - Created by Alexandru Popescu and Time Ben Cole
Apply for the challenge
Click on your local screen agency to apply for the challenge.
Epic Games is offering free online training sessions to anyone interested in learning real-time animation and world-building. The training will take place April 19 - May 2, 2022 and is suitable for all skill levels.
Not going to enter the challenge? You can register for the free training anyway.