In Preview 1, try out the new Chaos physics and destruction system, the Skin Weight Profile system, the new Unreal Insights Tool (Beta), and loads of virtual production upgrades! Preview 1 also features significant improvements to the Niagara workflow, many editor updates, HoloLens 2 support, and more.
The full list of upcoming changes in this build is viewable in the 4.23 Preview 1 forum thread. We invite you to provide feedback on this first early look at 4.23, and for all subsequent releases. Please keep in mind that Previews are intended only to provide a sample of what is going to be released in the update, and they are not production-ready.
To get Unreal Engine 4.23 Preview 1, head to the Library section on the launcher, select “Add Versions” and choose 4.23 Preview 1.