March 30, 2018

NVIDIA Edge Program Recipients - March 2018

By Amanda Bott

In an effort to recognize and reward developers that produce visually outstanding works in Unreal Engine with top-of-the-line hardware, Epic Games partners with NVIDIA to offer the NVIDIA Edge Program through which selected teams receive a GTX 1080 Ti.

Congrats to this month’s recipients! Remember, if you’ve entered in the past, but your project hasn’t been selected, we encourage you to re-enter at any time.

Modular Sci-Fi Office - Ruslan Nazirov

In this futuristic Sci-Fi project, Ruslan Nazirov has created a beautiful modular office environment, set in the Skyfall Restoration Complex. Nazirov has created other excellent modular sets and props. Take a look at his blog to learn more about his process and experiments.

The Zero Dome - Pillow Head Games

Set in a zero gravity, out-of-this-world VR arena, The Zero Dome encourages you to build, float, and shoot your way around as you fight against dangerous automatons. Learn about Pillow Head Games’ most recent updates to The Zero Dome on their devlog.

Vipp Shelter Reproduction - Andrew Augustyniak

Andrew Augustyniak created a gorgeous reproduction of a Vipp shelter in this architectural visualization project, where he has setup a wonderfully lit and composed environment.


Many thanks to the incredibly talented Unreal Engine community for sharing your projects with us. We’re very lucky to have you!

Want to submit your project?

Head over to the NVIDIA Edge hub for the details on how to submit your work. If you’ve entered previously, but haven’t been a winner thus far, we encourage you to re-apply to the program.

Good luck!