Featured free Marketplace content - February 2021

In an ongoing partnership with Unreal Engine Marketplace creators, select content is available for free to the Unreal community each month, giving artists, designers, and programmers access to additional resources at no extra cost.

February’s featured free content: 
Bossy Enemy Animation Pack | kampinis

News UESC FEB2021 BLOG01Take your combat system to the next level like a boss! Equipped with thirty-three root motion and in-place animations, the Bossy Enemy Animation Pack is sure to get a reaction.

Industrial Area Hangar | Kirill Sibiriakov

News UESC FEB2021 BLOG02 From industrial houses to hangers, build the block from the ground up with modular meshes, props, transformers, and more, including over 130 meshes full of possibility! 

Stylized Modular Character | Mad Mike 3D

News UESC FEB2021 BLOG03Flaunt your characters’ style with these modular designs, featuring male and female versions—the wardrobe combinations are endless!

Supermarket | mojtabamohammadi

News UESC FEB2021 BLOG04 Shopping for convenience? This pack has it all in store for you! Complete with over 807 meshes and high-quality textures perfect for virtual texturing.

Winter Forest Set | Patrick

News UESC FEB2021 BLOG05
In a flurry to make a new environment or add something frosty to an existing one? Get started now with this Winter pack featuring 30 meshes from trees and snow, to rocks and stumps.

Snag all of this month’s content to help build your own unique worlds and experiences—they’re free until the end of the February!

    Want your Marketplace content to be featured?

    New Marketplace content is shared every month, providing the community with fresh products to support their projects. If you’re a Marketplace creator and want to share your content, let us know!