April 2, 2014

A New Cascade VFX Tutorial Series

By Tim Elek

Today on our Wiki we’re posting the first visual effects tutorial in a series designed to help you get up to speed on making visual effects (FX) in Cascade. This is the powerful Unreal Engine 4 tool we use here at Epic to create all of the FX you see in our games, cinematics, and tech demos.

This series of tutorials is intended to start with the most basic processes involved in making FX, and will build your skills from one lesson to the next.  Hopefully at the end of this process you will be able to take the most complicated FX request, and break it down into each component that goes into making great FX using Cascade, the material editor, Blueprints, and all of Unreal Engine 4! 

Along the way I am hoping you learn a few of the tricks, techniques, and FX workflow within the editor that we employ here at Epic.

We’ll be posting follow-up tutorials in the series as we go, so please keep checking back here for more info. Don’t forget to visit the Wiki for more helpful documentation and stop by the forums to ask any questions!